Solid Extinguishing Agent

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    Product Introduction
  • Our liquid extinguishing agent, but in solid stick form
  • Convenient to transport, store, and handle
  • Foams directly from the spray gun nozzle when sprayed, while maintaining initial pressure
  • Currently in use abroad; developed domestically for the first time
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    Technical Features
  • Obtained material patent
  • Digestion power 5 times higher than that of water
    (results of the company’s Ministry of SMEs and Startups test)
  • Easy to carry/easy to store and handle
  • Foam is formed when spraying, reducing toxic gas generation.
  • Using a dedicated gun makes foam formation easy and convenient to use.
  • It is already being used at fire sites overseas. First developed in Korea
  • Compared to imported products, radiation time is 10% better, fire extinguishing performance is 30% better, and cost is lower.
    (Korea Forest Research Institute test results)
  • Eco-friendly/non-toxic agent, soil recovery effect
    (Tested by the Korea Testing & Research Institute)
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    Performance of Solid Extinguishing Agent
  • Results of simulated extinguishing performance test: competitors’ products take 13-16 seconds, while our product takes 10-13 seconds
  • Competitors’ products cause skin irritation and allergies upon human exposure
  • Our product is harmless to humans and has no environmental toxicity